Feb 19, 2019

Make it Pop! Projector Booth Sheds New Light on an Event


Denver is growing like crazy. There are more people. The are more cars(very evident during our morning and evening commute). New construction seems to pop up everywhere like we’re caught in some strange time lapse.

Friday night comes and though we’re surrounded by so much movement we feel stuck. We google “Things to do in Denver on the weekend” and maybe we find something to do, but a lot of times we just stay in. Netflix it up and order takeout.

This brought me to the question: Why not host an event?

There are tons of opportunities here. Work party? Birthday? Mitzvah? Bachelor/Bachelorette? Boredom killer? I could keep going, but I feel that I covered a wide enough range.

So say we get to the reason for having the event.

Now what is going to make this event stand out? Make it pop? Have the office talking about it on monday?

MiHi entertainment has be full force in development to make events more than events. We want to create an experience.

One of the newest additions over here is the Projector Booth.

If one were to try and explain how awesome this is they would likely channel a malfunctioning android, getting caught in a continuous loop of yelling “Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!….”.

The Projector Booth brings a whole new experience to our already popular photo booths, but we have now integrated it with our Video Booth.

Want to have more freedom of expression than with a still or GIF?

We’ve paired our Video Booth with projection, thus, Projector Booth was born.

The Projector Booth is as much an art installment at your event as it is a booth.

I can’t really present to you the amount of options we have for the projections you can choose from. We can create custom graphics or turn something you’ve found(a pattern, colors, anything) into projection materials and add a new layer to your videos.

Light it up while you do a dubsmash video! Who doesn’t love lip syncing to the newest Cardi?

I personally would choose something a little more classic, but that’s just me.

The point is that there are tons of features and possibilities with the Projector Booth and we want to bring them to you.

There isn’t an event this won’t make stand out that much more. Brides and Grooms! It’s almost wedding season, lets get something more than just a Dj at that reception! Also, check out our Video Testimonial Booth option for weddings.

I’m going to wrap this up and invite you to check out all our services. MiHi strives to make every event more than just an event and we are especially excited to share the Video Booth with everyone.

#Projection #Projector #VideoProjection
