By now many folks are getting used to the idea that for the foreseeable future, events like painting classes will be taking place in the virtual space. Whether you want to hone your skills, just have a nice date night over a bottle of wine, or enjoy a fun entertainer live, a virtual Paint and Sip could be the right choice for you. One of the best things about these events is that all of the entertainment and talent comes right to you! At MiHi Entertainment we believe that even the most casual artists will enjoy a Paint and Sip event. There is never any pressure for these events and the fun really starts when you just let your creativity flow and can share in the enjoyment with your fellow painters. We have worked to create an experience that uses a few key elements from different angles to ensure anybody can have a great time.
Of course one of the most important elements of an online art class is the supplies you will need to complete your masterpiece. For virtual Paint and Sips, as with all of our virtual events, we provide a customized experience kit. Generally our art kits come stocked with all of the paints you will need, different brushes for all of the strokes, a canvas, an easel, a smock, a pallete, and a selection of wine for use throughout the night. We will ensure that everyone in your group is sent all of the necessary supplies prior to your event and will receive reminders so you can be sure no one misses out! These kits are great for getting everyone excited to start making art but can also act as a great invitation to an event. We have heard from a former attendee that took part in a different Paint and Sip that when their package arrived they were missing some color and some of the paints were dry. We ALWAYS ensure that your entire kit will arrive on time and we test to make sure everything will arrive safe and sound!
Among the other important elements of our Virtual Paint and Sips is the production value. We have seen so many zoom events either go haywire or are just plain low quality. We use multiple cameras, high quality microphones, a private studio and advanced streaming technologies in order to make the night and the learning experience better. We want to make sure you can get a good view of the entertainment as well as the actual painting so that you can follow along and see exactly what our instructor is talking about as well as clearly hear the stream. They will walk you through what they are using as far as brush, color, and technique and you can make the decision whether you want to follow along or get creative in your own space, no one is judging!
My favorite aspect of a Virtual Paint and Sip night is the talent! These days there are all kinds of these classes and events taking place but we know that everyone doesn’t want a quiet a stoic painter slowly walking you through the motions for an hour. People now more than ever need to have fun and feel like they are having an evening out. We employ talented painters that can walk you through exactly what you are doing but also have personality and will be interacting with you throughout the event if you have any questions, feel free to chat it up and they will be sure to help you out! Something that we find is missing from many events is the humor and engagement that true professional entertainers bring to the table. We work with all kinds of brilliant and talented people and the actors and comedians collaborate with are no exception! You never know what kind of character might show up to these things and you can be sure they will be engaging you and your guests as well as bantering with our painter. Nobody wants a boring night out and our talent ensures that it will be anything but boring!
There is no reason to feel like you must be an artist to join us for a Paint and Sip night out and often times a lack of experience is where real inspiration comes from. We love trying out new things here at MiHi and we hope you will too!